Thursday, 4 March 2010

Crafty links and suchlike

First of all, a big hello to new follower person number five, Goth Girl who runs a very pretty jewellery shop.

Right, now onto some links.

Mookychick have a very cute knitting pattern for a funny looking toy cat which I am definitely going to make at some point.

Also in cute toys, why not knit a dinosaur?
For those good with electronics, Evil Mad Scientist Labs have a cool how-to for a fake seven-segment display
And in not-really-crafty-but-sod-it-I'll-post-it-here-anyway, the Brothers Brick have feature this awesome Cthulhu lego diarama, proof if ever it was needed that geeky people are amazing people.

And lastly, in completely-irrelevant, here's a page showing any lads out there how to do their hair and makeup like a Japanese pop star and very pretty it is too.

That's all the random links you're getting today, folks. I'll go back to failing to finish the novel.

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