Thursday, 27 October 2011

Yes I know...

I'm lazy. Sorry internet. In my defense, I have written a lot of rubbish stuff on my Triond page recently, so if you're creepily into reviews, rambly articles and excuses for me to post videos I like, knock yourself out.

For those curious as to what the fuck I have been doing with my life, I got a job but then it turned out my employers were not exactly reputable and I got fired. So now I'm running around the UK applying for more jobs than you can shake a Jobcentre at. Again. Oh and I had a birthday so I am now officially more old than I was, which is oddly depressing, but hey I got some electric cigarettes and Arkham City so it's not all bad. (Seriously though, I'm 24 now. 24. Damn.)

But anyway, this is Postpunkpixie Dust and you don't want to read about my birthday, right internet? You want pictures of pretty men covered in fake blood, weird rambling reviews of gigs, and random links. Don't lie, I know you do, I've seen the blog stats. Well never fear, all the usual nonsense is just waiting in the wings and will be posted soon. Promise. Coming soon: The return of Bloody Gorgeous! New reviews! Gig write-ups! Rants in which I go off on one about something unimportant! And... (I've been looking forward to this one) Excercise for Goths!

Well... coming soon is probably a lie. Coming...eventually.

I'm crap.

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