Sunday, 28 February 2010

Ghostly goings-on and other things involving me

While having a job is still eating into my free time, it has given me some interesting extras. Last night I was lucky enough to join a team of ghost hunters at our new (but very old) building, said to be the most haunted in town. It was certainly an eye-opener; flickering torches, voices on tapes, mysterious tapping, all neatly answering questions for us.

Hopefully I'll have an edited version of some of the recordings for you to be freaked out by. The clarity of some of them is incredible; the one that really got me was the voice of a little boy, crystal clear, saying "help me".

I slept with the lights on when I got home.

In other news, I have nearly finished edit the dreaded novel. I had rather hoped to have it done by the end of this weekend, but alas tiredness conspired against me.

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