Thursday, 7 January 2010

On the Big Freeze... and some updates

My appologies for being late with the updates again; the Christmas period was dizzyingly busy for me, fraught with trials, tribulations and large amounts of chocolate. Thankfully most of these problems have melted away, much like the chocolate, and now with the decorations packed away for another year I was prepared to settle back into my normal lack of routine.

I wasn't counting on the weather.

Anyone living in the UK will know we're currently suffering under the worst cold snap in nearly thirty years. I live in the South of England, an area not usually known for extreme weather, but I woke up to four or five inches of snow and something of a blizzard. My mother (who is a secondary school teacher,) had to stay at home because her school has shut and my father (I honestly don't really know what he does, but I know it involves computers) had to abandon his motorbike the night before because he was stuck on the way home. Lucky he wasn't on the A3: nearly a thousand hapless motorists had to chose between walking home or sitting in their cars for twelve hours. I have never ever seen weather like this. There's no more snow forecast for tonight, but icy cold weather will probably freeze to a solid, slippery floor, so I doubt I'll be going out much in the next few days (which is a pain as I had quite a lot planned, but never mind I'll just have to keep playing Dragon Age Origins instead).

Hopefully I'll be able to post a few piccies of it all, it's really quite extraordinary. A chap in Fareham, just up the road from me, even decided that hovercrafting was the best way to get around.

In other news, my cat doesn't like the snow. Poor thing was watching it with utter bemusement, although having said that, she watched everything today with utter bemusement.

And in "Things involving me" do check out a couple of new film reviews I've posted, one of Nine (the musical not the animation with the similar, nay identical, name) and the other looking at Sherlock Holmes

So for now I'm going. I may be some time!

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